The Jaycie Collective

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This case study might be more of a love letter than anything, however, I’m going to do my absolute best to cover all topics. We’re discussing none other than The Jaycie Collective, an edgy, modern, luxury hair and lash extension salon in Oregon.

Jaycie is a three-peat client of mine who has trusted me with 3 of her brands. She’s an entrepreneur, stylist, visionary, hype woman and from personal experience, and all-around-energy-booster. 

The Jaycie Collective project included:
– Custom Brand Identity

– 12-page custom website with integrations

– Web copy support

– Social media templates

– Updating Jaycie’s personal website ( to align with new branding…the list goes on.

Initial Challenges

Outside of this project, there was also the matter of updating Jaycie’s personal website to blend with The Jaycie Collective’s branding. We decided that this would be the last step.

And a challenge that we were able to solve for on our initial call was, “how do we display stylists on the website in a way that drives traffic to the websites?”

Answer: Stylist pages that are designed to be both the link in their social media bios, but also serve as their individual page on the website.

I’ll be writing another post on the art of stylists pages, stay tuned!

An important note, the organization and efficiency in this project was crucial. Jaycie may have outsourced her branding and web design, but she was putting in long hours doing significant salon updates and renovations while also juggling client work, salon operations, her own social media management, life etc.

Getting Started

The project came to life as soon as we got her branding photos from her recent shoot. However, Jaycie had an extensive pinterest board and a really clear vision.

I began by taking a first draft of a brand/vision board. Complete with stock photos, a color palette, logo variations and font pairings. At the time, the rebrand was in its quiet phase so I was posting sneak peaks like this one and this one in the meantime out of sheer excitement.

Jaycie and I were trying to get through this entire scope in a matter of weeks, due to the pace of the project, most of our interactions were audio messages between her clients/appointments. Like I had in the past, I planned to check in with her on her days off, but like the busy boss-lady she is, most of her “off days” were spent at the salon, renovating, planning, etc. I loved getting to see the salon take it’s new form in real time!

After the first brand board we jumped immediately into finalizing the 3 logos, as well as the typography while I also prepared a complete brand guidelines packet. This document serves as a fool-proof guide for staying on brand, which is perfect for onboarding new staff, assistants etc for busy business owners. 
From there, I hit the ground running on the website. I had the greenlight to structure the website as I saw fit (this was my third website for her, and yes, that type of trust feels amazing). We included several thoughtful sections and pages that hosted new client info, frequently asked questions, a highlight of Jaycie, a careers page, the list goes on.

The Salon sections of the website were smooth sailing. While I was completing those, the stylists were providing me with their information for their links pages/stylist page.
I provided a template of the form as an example as well as a google form to respond to, complete with areas to upload their featured photos right into my google drive.

Prior to publishing the website, I sent each of the stylists and Jaycie their page to review and approve. I was really proud of how smooth that process was (not to mention the pages look great, provide way more value than a Linktree, and allows stylists who aren’t quite ready for their own website to have an alternative that still provides credibility.

Stylists pages are a great resource for salons to offer their staff and it is going to assist with salon SEO because you are driving more organic traffic to the website (via the stylist’s social media accounts) and it’s an easy to replicate page that gives you more opportunities to try to rank for specific keywords, without having to reinvent the wheel/write more copy.

Example: If one of your stylists pages’ discusses a skill or specialty, you can prioritize that as a keyword, which could help your reach for (service) in (your location) type searches. See also: image descriptions & meta tags.

Project Highlights

It’s hard for me to not highlight all of the projects. For starters, the stylists’ pages are a huge win, but so is the gorgeous homepage, and the way I was able to marry Jaycie’s personal brand with the new look.

Additionally, each time a stylist joins The Jaycie Collective salon, there is very minimal work that has to get done before they can be added to the website! In fact, the last stylists that was added, had her page live on the website before she even started. The stylist simply completes the form that gets sent directly to me, this way Jaycie can focus on the rest of the onboarding process.

Measurable Results
The salon received over 100 new client requests from the ONE of the 3 forms on the website in 8 months. Jaycie has told me that at least 10 of the new clients in her chair in the last few months said that they found her through her website and just had to book with her.

SEO, copy, design and branding are essential parts of the client experience; so much that those aspects are really what helps get new clients in your chair.

One of my other favorite results and the ROI that I LOVE to talk about is; how much value links pages offer to the STYLISTS.

Offering individual stylist pages on the salon website does 3 things that really increase the salon and stylist’s perception:

  • Building out individual pages allows you to highlight each of your stylists to attract and gain their ideal clients
  • That additional information allows your website viewers who are interested in the salon, even more opportunity to see where THEY fit into the crowd/community.
  • Stylists get to build their personal brand and develop their client book (at any phase of their career) with an additional avenue for acquiring additional work.
  • It relieves stylists earlier in their career from having to develop and pay for their own website before the feel authentically ready.
Project Overview (IG Post from Jaycie’s Perspective)

Lessons, Challenges

We were able to cover each of the challenges that we predicted and encountered pretty well.

There are opportunities for the website to continue to grow if desired, but it covers all the necessary bases (and then some)!

We were able to highlight the stylists in a way that makes sense for the salon and the stylists.

We were able to highlight the salon as a place for clients and stylists alike. Highlighting Jaycie as a mentor as well as a business owner and educator.
We were able to hone in on the website’s messaging to creative a comprehensive brand identity that can be implemented into the social media strategy.

Lastly, we married the visuals of The Jaycie Collective brand with Jaycie’s personal website. Creating an almost seamless experience for people browsing the two websites looking for a hairstylist, career or education opportunity (she really does it all).

Key Benefits:

  • Comprehensive brand identity that is unique in the market and exudes trendy, modern, luxury without sacrificing creative expression
  • A branding book that outlines the entire brand identity and outlines how to stay on brand (which has been handed over to the salon’s social media manager for execution)
  • A strategically designed audience with 3 lead captures linked (contact, new client form & careers form)
  • SEO backed text properties, image titles and meta tags for search effectiveness
  • Stylist pages for salon and individual stylists’ growth
  • Seamless branding for Jaycie’s personal website
  • A combination of story and carousel templates for usage (ranging from services, reviews, client transformations etc)
Testimonial from Jaycie for her work with Ruby Work Co Web + Brand Designer
Website preview for The Jaycie Collective Hair Salon, web design by Ruby Works Co

Stay tuned for more case studies and portfolio work! Please leave any comments or questions on this post and keep an eye out for a blog post that covers everything about stylist pages for salons!

Thank you for being here, you’re an absolute gem!

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