Entrepreneur-Friendly Web Design Process: Reichert Creative

How Katie launched a second business with ease

Katie faced the daunting task of launching a website for Reichert Creative while continuing to manage her greeting card business. The demands of running two businesses left her with little time to take on another website build, especially one that needed to be as vibrant and compelling as her brand. Despite her expertise in design, Katie had put off building the website for months, knowing that it would be a time-consuming process to tack onto the end of long days running her first business, coaching and/or training for track, and taking care of her pup, Mia. She turned to Ruby Works to kick-start an entrepreneur-friendly web design process, allowing her to focus on delivering the best service possible to her clients. 

The website for Reichert Creative was conceptualized, copywritten, and built in under a month, enabling the firm to launch quickly and start attracting clients immediately. The structured process ensured Katie could navigate the entire experience stress-free, allowing her to focus on delivering the best service possible to her clients. The final website exceeded Katie’s expectations in design and functionality, perfectly blending her skills in graphic design and digital marketing. Here’s a peek behind the scenes at how the process unfolded!

Initial Challenge

Let me introduce you to Katie, a multi-talented creative entrepreneur with expertise in both graphic design and digital marketing. When Katie approached Ruby Works to guide her through an entrepreneur-friendly web design process, she was not only running a successful greeting card business but also preparing to launch her second venture, Reichert Creative—a digital marketing firm focused on helping small businesses grow their email lists and social media presence.

Client Overview


  • Seamlessly incorporate Katie’s brand identity, including unique design elements like squiggly lines and chunky rainbows, into the website.
  • Offer a structured, entrepreneur-friendly web design process that guides Katie through each step and allow her to mentally file the project away and focus on her existing priorities.
  • Provide a custom website copy template tailored to Katie’s goals, helping her create compelling content efficiently (again, max results with minimal effort - since Katie is a marketer and designer, she really just needed someone to take her ideas and run with them).

Specific Needs

  • Develop a vibrant and engaging website that reflects Reichert Creative’s retro, energetic brand identity.
  • Ensure the website is designed and launched quickly to allow Reichert Creative to start attracting clients organically, AND serve as a positive reference point for her growing number of referral clients.
  • Provide Katie with a process that minimizes stress and maximizes efficiency, allowing her to focus on running her businesses.

Primary Goals


The real issue was not just the time constraint but also the need for a structured, entrepreneur-friendly process that would allow Katie to build a high-quality website without adding to her stress. Launching a second business requires much more than just a website, so we focused on a process that would make the website one of the easiest parts of the launch.

Actual Problem

Katie initially believed her primary challenge was finding the time and energy to build a website that matched her high standards for Reichert Creative while juggling her other business responsibilities.

Surface-Level Problem


"The level of service Erin at Ruby Works Co. provides is unmatched.

Her process is smooth, fast & effective. She listened to my needs & provided guidance and expertise when need to ensure my final website exceeded expectations. I am so happy to have a beautiful, engaging website that functions perfectly, and I can't believe how quickly she created it all. 

I am able to be open sooner because of the swift work she did."

- Katie, Reichert Creative

Through this well-organized process, the website was completed swiftly and efficiently, allowing Katie to launch Reichert Creative sooner than expected. The process not only minimized her stress but also ensured that the final product was exactly what she envisioned.

4. Launch Strategy:

  • Structured Web Design Process: Understanding Katie’s busy schedule, I implemented a structured, step-by-step process that broke down the website build into manageable tasks. This entrepreneur-friendly approach ensured that Katie was never overwhelmed and could contribute effectively without it consuming all her time.

  • Website Copy Template: I provided Katie with a custom website copy template that included detailed page structures and section-by-section prompts. This template allowed Katie to create compelling copy that aligned with her brand voice, without spending hours staring at a blank screen.

  • Incorporation of Brand Elements: Katie’s existing brand elements, such as squiggly lines and chunky rainbows, were seamlessly integrated into the website design to maintain consistency and add personality.

  • Website Structure: The website was structured to include five key pages: Home, About, Services, Contact, and Links. This clear organization made the site user-friendly and effectively highlighted Reichert Creative’s offerings.

3. Creative Direction & Website Design:

Reichert Creative is a retro, vibrant, and energetic brand that would resonate with small businesses looking to grow their email lists and social media presence. The website needed to be both visually engaging and functionally effective to attract Katie’s ideal clients.

2. Brand Positioning:

Katie’s entrepreneurial roots and family business inspired Reichert Creative’s brand. The branding is nostalgic, sentimental, and meaningful, designed to reflect Katie’s values and personality.

1. Brand's Core

Step-by-Step Entrepreneur-Friendly Web Design Process

Katie was able to navigate the entire process without feeling overwhelmed, thanks to the structured, entrepreneur-friendly approach.

Stress-Free Experience

Katie was thrilled with the final website, which not only met but exceeded her expectations in terms of design and functionality.

Client Satisfaction

The website was conceptualized, copy written, and built in under a month, enabling Reichert Creative to launch quickly and start attracting clients immediately.

Quick Launch


“I never feel like I have to update my website. It's a hands-off marketing vehicle for me, and it's worked really well over the last year!

- Katie, Reichert Creative

We put the front-end work in together to establish the copy and website structure so now I don't feel like I have to keep updating and changing things like I had in the past. I always felt like (with previous websites) I had to go in and make changes.”

I checked in with Katie 1 year after launch and she shared:

  • Structured Process: I loved developing and implementing a structured process that made it easy for Katie to contribute without feeling overwhelmed, ultimately resulting in a website that perfectly reflected her brand.
  • Client Collaboration: Working closely with Katie to ensure that the process was smooth and enjoyable was incredibly rewarding. Seeing the final product meet her expectations and more was the ultimate success.

My Favorite Parts

My partnership with Reichert Creative doesn’t end with the website launch. As Katie’s business continues to grow and evolve, I’m here to ensure her website remains a dynamic and powerful marketing tool. Whether it’s refreshing content, adding new features, or optimizing the site for even better performance, I’m just a call away. Katie’s ambitious plans for Reichert Creative mean that the website will need to stay as fresh and innovative as her ideas. I’m excited to support her every step of the way, ensuring that her online presence not only keeps pace with her business growth but also continues to impress and attract new clients. We’re in this for the long haul, making sure Reichert Creative’s digital footprint is always as vibrant and impactful as Katie herself.

Future Plans

Working with Reichert Creative highlighted the importance of a structured, entrepreneur-friendly web design process. For multi-business owners like Katie, who manage numerous responsibilities, having a clear, easy-to-follow structure was essential. By breaking the project down into manageable steps and offering personalized, expert guidance at each stage, we were able to deliver a high-quality website without adding stress to Katie's busy schedule. This experience reinforced the value of a proven process tailored to entrepreneurs, ensuring that the project remained client-centered and resulted in something truly exceptional.

Key Points:
  • A clear, easy-to-follow web design process is crucial for busy, multi-business owners.
  • Breaking the project into manageable steps reduces client stress.
  • Personalized, expert guidance is key to a successful outcome.
  • A proven process tailored to entrepreneurs ensures the project remains client-centered.
  • A well-structured approach leads to exceptional results without overwhelming the client.

Lessons Learned


"Erin has such a fun, bubbly personality that makes the web design process more fun. I knew this combined with her work ethic would make for a

- Katie, Reichert Creative

smooth and successful website build."

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