Salon Marketing Techniques for The Jaycie Collective Salon

Deep dive into how Ruby Works successfully positioned this salon to stand out in a crowded market

With over 300 hair salons in the Salem area, The Jaycie Collective needed to distinguish itself in a highly competitive market. While Jaycie had a clear and unique vision for the salon’s new identity, reflected in a detailed vision board she created, she needed Ruby Works to bring this vision to life through a cohesive brand identity, custom web design, and compelling web copy. The goal was to ensure the salon’s relaunch would not only stand out visually but also establish a strong online presence capable of attracting and converting new clients—ultimately driving over 100 new client requests within the first eight months. By creating stylist pages that became valuable tools for both the salon and its individual stylists, the project successfully utilized salon marketing techniques to position The Jaycie Collective as a top choice in the area for both clients and talent alike.

Initial Challenge

The Jaycie Collective is an edgy, modern, luxury hair and lash extension salon based in Salem, Oregon. Founded by Jaycie, a dynamic serial entrepreneur and stylist, the salon was relaunched as a solo venture after previously operating under a different name, branding, and website. This project marks the largest collaboration between Jaycie and Ruby Works to date, focusing on comprehensive salon marketing techniques to help The Jaycie Collective stand out and effectively market its business in a competitive landscape.

Client Overview


  • Ensure the brand identity is timeless yet trendy, reflecting the salon’s luxury and modern edge to help it stand out in the market.
  • Build a website that is skimmable, mobile-friendly, and optimized for SEO to enhance visibility and attract clients, employing effective salon marketing techniques.
  • Incorporate social media templates and a brand identity guide to ensure consistent execution across platforms, reinforcing the salon’s unique position in a crowded market.

Specific Needs

  • Develop a distinctive brand identity that sets The Jaycie Collective apart using strategic salon marketing techniques.
  • Create a user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing website that drives traffic and converts visitors into loyal clients.
  • Highlight individual stylists with personalized artist pages to enhance their personal brands while contributing to the salon's overall SEO and client engagement.

Primary Goals


Beyond aesthetics, the challenge was to create a brand and web presence that could effectively distinguish The Jaycie Collective from the 300+ other salons in the Salem area. This required comprehensive salon marketing techniques that would resonate with both new clients and stylists—all while Jaycie was simultaneously managing the salon’s rebranding, renovations, her client load, and business operations.

Actual Problem

Jaycie initially needed a cohesive brand identity and website to relaunch her salon as a solo venture, focusing on aesthetics and functionality to stand out in the market.

Surface-Level Problem


  • The launch of the website was strategically timed to coincide with the salon’s reopening under its new brand. Each artist got to preview their individual artist page before the site went live, ensuring a smooth and effective launch that set The Jaycie Collective apart from other local salons.

7. LAUNCH Strategy:

  • Provided social media templates and a comprehensive 20+ page brand identity guide to ensure consistent branding across all platforms. The guide was also handed over to Jaycie’s social media manager and stylists to maintain brand integrity and continue distinguishing the salon in a busy market using effective marketing techniques.

6. Marketing Strategy:

  • Copy and design are rooted in best SEO practices to support organic reach, user experience, and A's across the board from PageSpeed Insights. This ensures that The Jaycie Collective not only looks great but also ranks well in search engines, making it more likely to be found by potential clients. The artist pages also boost domain authority because of the increase in traffic to the website, serving as a key component of the salon's marketing techniques.

5. SEO Strategy:

  • Created a brand voice that is upbeat, clear, and playful, while ensuring the website copy was skimmable and mobile-friendly—key elements for success in the beauty industry. This messaging was designed to resonate with the target audience and stand out in the market, setting the salon apart from others in the region.

  • The creative direction focused on merging 60s vintage glamor with a modern edge, ensuring the brand identity was both timeless and trendy. We curated a neutral yet textured color palette, playful fonts, and versatile logo variations. These elements were incorporated into both the physical and digital spaces, resulting in a cohesive and visually striking brand experience that distinguishes The Jaycie Collective from other local salons using strategic marketing techniques.

4. Creative Direction & Brand Design:

3. Brand Communication:

  • Positioned The Jaycie Collective as a luxury salon offering a personalized, high-end experience, leveraging its unique style and commitment to excellence as part of its salon marketing techniques to differentiate the business from the competition.

2. Brand Positioning:

  • Ruby Works collaborated with Jaycie to define her brand’s core, which was rooted in vintage glamor with a modern, funky twist. Jaycie’s vision board played a critical role in this process, guiding the development of a color palette, typography kit, and logo variations that captured the essence of The Jaycie Collective and ensured it stood out in the market through innovative marketing techniques.

1. Brand's Core

Step-by-Step Process for Rapid Sales Conversion

The brand identity and website design have required minimal updates, proving their longevity and effectiveness in a competitive market.

Minimal Updates

The stylist pages have become a valuable tool for both the salon and the individual stylists, driving traffic and increasing client bookings, further distinguishing The Jaycie Collective as a top choice in the area for clients and talent alike.

Leveraging Artist Pages

The website generated over 100 new client requests within the first eight months, with many clients citing the website as their first point of contact, demonstrating the effectiveness of the brand and web strategy in distinguishing the salon through innovative marketing techniques.

Consisent Inquiries


“Erin has done several websites for me! I’ve worked with several different web designers, and she is my favorite!

I can FULLY trust that she will bring my vision to life. If you need anything, she’s your girl!”

- Jaycie, The Jaycie Collective

  • Stylists' Pages: The individual artist pages stand out as a favorite feature. They not only enhance the salon’s SEO but also provide a unique platform for each stylist to build their personal brand, all within the cohesive framework of The Jaycie Collective. This setup offers a competitive edge by allowing clients to connect more personally with their stylists, which builds trust and loyalty, further distinguishing the salon through strategic marketing techniques.

  • Homepage Design: The rotating Polaroid feature and the highlight of Jaycie at the bottom of the homepage add a personal touch that sets the website apart from others in the industry and helps the salon stand out in a busy market.

  • Careers Page: By providing information on the website for interested stylists to learn more and reach out, it allows the website to attract not only more clients but also more talent, giving it a competitive edge in the industry through effective marketing techniques.

  • Brand Messaging: The website is both incredibly skimmable, and it has specific language for the brand, creating a sense of belonging. Over 70% of users looking for beauty services search on their mobile devices, so the site being mobile-optimized (both UX and copy) is paramount.

My Favorite Parts

Ruby Works has continued to support The Jaycie Collective since its original launch in Spring 2023 with additional artist pages as the salon grows, implementing new SEO strategies, and updating copy, design, and photos. As the salon expands, it is incredibly easy to add more artist pages and make updates, allowing the brand to seamlessly grow and continue distinguishing itself in a crowded market through advanced marketing techniques.

Future Plans

This project reinforced the importance of integrating brand identity with the physical and digital spaces of a business. The success of the stylist pages also highlighted the value of personalized branding within a larger brand framework, proving essential for distinguishing The Jaycie Collective as an oasis in a competitive market using effective salon marketing techniques.

Lessons Learned


Jaycie was absolutely thrilled with the results of the project, noting how the brand identity perfectly captured her vision. The new website has been more than just a digital presence—it has become a powerful tool for attracting new clients and supporting her stylists, setting The Jaycie Collective apart from other salons in the region using strategic marketing techniques.

Client Feedback

These words not only highlight Jaycie’s deep satisfaction but also underscore the trust and confidence she has in the work done by Ruby Works, illustrating the significant impact of well-executed salon marketing techniques.
Reflecting on the collaboration, Jaycie shared, “You are instrumental to my business, babe!” Her enthusiasm didn’t stop there. Having worked with multiple web designers in the past, she emphasized, “Erin has done several websites for me! I’ve worked with several different web designers, and she is my favorite! I can FULLY trust that she will bring my vision to life. If you need anything, she’s your girl!”

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