How to Customize a Showit Template


Customizing a website template in Showit can be an exciting and creative process. Here’s a step-by-step guide, Erin-style, to help you make that template truly your own.

1. Choose Your Template Wisely:

Start by selecting a Showit template that aligns with your brand’s style and goals. Make sure it includes the features you need, such as a long form sales page, blog or gallery pages if applicable.

2. Familiarize Yourself with Showit:

If you’re new to Showit, take some time to explore its interface and features. It’s a user-friendly platform, but a little familiarity goes a long way.

3. Gather Your Branding Assets:

Collect your logo, color palette, fonts, and any other branding elements you want to incorporate into your website. Having these ready will make customization smoother.

4. Import the Template:

Once you’ve purchased your template, import it into your Showit account. You can find a guide on how to do this in Showit’s documentation.

5. Customize Layout and Structure:

Start by modifying the overall layout and structure of your template to fit your content. Add or remove sections, pages, or elements as needed. Ensure your navigation is clear and intuitive.

Please ditch your linktree and download my *Free* Creative Links Template, instead. View the live demo here.

6. Update Colors and Fonts:

Use your brand’s color palette and fonts to replace the default styles in the template. Showit makes it easy to customize these aspects with just a few clicks.

7. Replace Placeholder Content:

Replace any placeholder text and images with your own content. This includes writing your own copy for headings, paragraphs, and buttons. Ensure your content is engaging and tailored to your target audience.

8. Optimize Images:

Upload high-quality images that represent your brand and services. Showit allows you to crop, resize, and optimize images directly within the platform.

Hint: I have a blog post on how to optimize photos for SEO here.

9. Customize Graphics and Elements:

Adjust or replace any graphics, icons, or other design elements in the template. This is where you can truly infuse your brand’s personality into the website.

10. Set Up Forms and Contact Information:

Configure contact forms and ensure your contact information is up to date. Make it easy for visitors to get in touch with you.

11. Test Responsiveness:

Test your website’s responsiveness on various devices, including desktop, tablet, and mobile. Adjust elements if necessary to ensure a seamless user experience.

12. Add SEO Elements:

Optimize your website for search engines by adding relevant meta titles, descriptions, and alt text for images. Showit makes this straightforward in its settings.

13. Review and Proofread:

Take the time to review your website thoroughly. Check for typos, broken links, or any issues that might affect the user experience.

14. Publish Your Website:

When you’re satisfied with your customized template, hit that publish button! Showit makes it easy to publish your website to your custom domain.

Remember, customization is your chance to infuse your brand’s unique story and personality into your website. Enjoy the creative process, and don’t hesitate to seek help or tutorials if you encounter any challenges along the way. 
Showit has fantastic resources in their help articles and don’t be afraid to use the support chat feature! I’m there all the time, and I’ve launched dozens of Showit sites.

If you’re looking for a speedy tutorial for Showit site set up, here’s a quick PDF that outlines some of these basic steps!

Looking for support?

Let’s chat. Whether you’re looking for a quick strategy session or a full template customization, I’m your girl. Start the convo here, or in the DM’s.

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